A little prepping goes a long way with these Freezer Packs! You will be prepping the omelet ingredients to be frozen so that in the morning all you have to do is crack in some eggs and microwave or pan fry for a tasty omelet ready in minutes!
WW My Way Smart Points: 6 Green, 2 Blue, 2 Purple (Points will Vary with Added Ingredients)

Choosing Your Flavors
The options with these freezer packs are endless! Pick your favorite Omelet ingredients and get started! I chose to make 3 different kinds and made a total of 55 packs to freeze for future omelets. I chose Potato Bacon Cheddar, Ham Pepper Cheddar Jack, and Spinach Mushroom Goat Cheese! Click the name of the omelet if you want to jump to its recipe card!!

Prepping the Potatoes
To get started, I washed my 2 potatoes and placed them in a pot of cold water. I then brought the water to a boil with the potatoes in it and then reduced it to a simmer and let the potatoes cook at the simmer for 15 minutes. When they were soft, I then cut them open and allowed them to cool so I could cut them into little pieces

Making the Peppers and Onions
For the Ham, Pepper, and Cheddar Jack Packs I needed to chop and cook some bell peppers and onion. I cooked these in a medium skillet over medium heat and cook them until they were soft

Getting the Meat Ready
I chose deli ham and precooked bacon bits for my packs, but you you are cooking sausage or your own bacon, cook it up when you are cooking you veggies. You want to allow time for things to cool so that they aren't creating steam in the freezer. I sliced my deli ham up into pieces and then started my bagging with cold ingredients
From Ingredients to Omelet Packs
Once everything was cooked and cooled, and my meats and veggies were chopped up to bite sized pieces, I began assembling the packs. I used freezer bags and placed in about 1 TBSP of the meat, veggies, and cheese into each bag. I then let all the air from the bag and sealed them. I placed the small freezer bags into larger freezer zip bags by flavor, and then placed them in the freezer.
From Freezer Packs to Omelets
In the morning when I was ready for breakfast, I took my desired freezer pack from the freezer and emptied the ingredients into a microwave safe bowl. I then used my microwaves DEFROST setting and defrosted the ingredients for 30 seconds. I then cracked in 2 eggs and scrambled them together with the ingredients. I returned the bowl to the microwave and cooked for 2 minutes on high- time will vary by egg size, number, and microwave
Enjoy your hot breakfast in minutes with just a little prep! Be creative and make any flavors you want! I might try some sun dried tomatoes, feta, breakfast sausage in future packs! I used 2 eggs in the WW Point calculations, so adjust the points if you are adding less or more depending on your plan!
Potato Bacon Cheddar
Ham Pepper cheddar jack